Silent Nights

Do you snore? Dr. Grieve can help!

Snoring can be a sign of upper airway resistance syndrome, causing your breathing to be labored and disrupting your sleep. As a result, you might feel tired throughout the day. Snoring is also the primary indication of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a potentially life-threatening disease that causes you to stop breathing many times during sleep.

Dr. W. Gray Grieve in Eugene, Oregon is a leader in the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea and can work with your physician to provide diagnosis, treatment and ongoing care so you can get the sleep you need.

If it is determined that an oral appliance might help, Dr. Grieve can fit you with a PeaceMaker® or PeaceKeeper® device that is comfortable, improves your breathing, and reduces snoring during sleep. Oral appliances are convenient, comfortable, significantly less expensive than more-involved therapies, and reversible. Oral therapy may also be used in conjunction with other treatments. Dr. Grieve is a leader in the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea and can work with your physician to provide diagnosis, treatment and ongoing care so you can get the sleep you need.

To learn more about Dr. Grieve’s orthodontic practice, click here.